IN Launcher to download

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IN Launcher


"Applying most popular home screen - IN Launcher - Topics, emoji and GIF for Android at your disposal!

Surprises IN Launcher:
Customize your home screen.
Fantastic Emoji and GIF: Over 1000 fun emoji, GIF and stickers.
Beautiful themes and wallpapers: Decorate your home screen with sophisticated themes and HD wallpapers.
Fantastic display themes Call: Customize the incoming call screen
3D transition effects: Make the screen effects when changing more A1: M5

Organize the Home screen.
Unread message: Do not miss any unread message
Display Manager and Smart Folders: Home screen easier to organize
Desktop settings: Defines custom home screen your phone
Menu: Quick access to the most common features

impiador trash: Delete junk files from your phone.
Notifications cleaner: Remove all trash notifications on your phone.

Protect your privacy
Application Lock: Lock all important applications.
Hidden applications: applications hidden privacy of your home screen.

useful tools
Widgets: widgets menu for the start and system.
Weather: Fine weather forecast in your city.
Notification Toolbar: Quick access to wifi, data, flashlight
Search Bar: With the search engine Google."

IN Launcher

Download now IN Launcher


Soft4Click Com informs that IN Launcher should be only used in accordance with the rules of intellectual property and the existing Criminal Code. The inclusion of any keygen, serial or crack is not allowed and disclaims any liability for the inappropriate use of this software.